# Happy Club's words of wisdom (joking)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

There shouldn't be a first for everything.

Man...i've never done this before.
i'm not even sure whether i wanna do this. i'm just plain bored. no, make that awfully bored. so readers, don't expect anything high & mighty from me. i may even update this online-journal-thing you call blog once in a blue moon. or not.
We'll jus have to see won't we?

So, Qaqa came down to my house today. we had our e.maths homework done which means that i'd be having my holiday trip to KL in peace. thank goodness for that. wait, just thank our motivated and hardworking selves for that. and also my parents for the equipments i needed to complete this 19 pages of holiday assignment. and my brother for the eraser. and lastly, thank Allah for bringing peace to my mind.

Okay, i'm still trying to get used to this much typing for the world to see. any pointers on how i'm supposed to arrange my words? i guess not. i mean, it's always about how YOU are. like the saying goes, 'You are what you eat.' but then again, for this matter, it'd be, 'You are what you type.' ... Right?
Oh man..i have no clue.

Do you guys notice that the 2nd paragraph contains smaller letters? hooo boy, i still need to get used to writing and editing this stuff. i can go ooon and ooon and ooon noting down what i'm thinking but for the sake of those already-bored readers, i'm calling it a day. or night. whichever you want it to be.

See you guys next time! If i'm able to make it..

p.s.: this is kinda long for an opening speech eh? hyak hyak..



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