# Happy Club's words of wisdom (joking)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Dont say what you dont mean, pleeeaaassseee....

others may be hurt once they found out that u didnt really mean what u said.

kayyy? syukraaaan...

laaa farah berbual kat sini sapeee yang nak pegi jawab or baca kaaan?!? =(

haha. readers, spread the word for me :D

chey cam faham.

remember farah.

stop chasing. =)

i know u sedih.

but seriously, this is for the future.

your future..

haha i sound like a mad woman talking to myself!

no but seriouslyyy...haha.

not playing around.

dia ada many choices.

and no one actually likes to be the second fiddle.

once the other one comes back, this one, this person here, will be left out and forgotten.

might as well practice this weak heart of mine to stay away from that one. get it?

well i dont really get it...but bagus if u get it. which i think u didnt?

haha....today gonna choose. either alkaff. or tohguan.

إنما الأعمال بالنيات

k farah.

so pegi kerana Allah dan Rasul.

jangan pergi kerana benda lain =)