# Happy Club's words of wisdom (joking)

Saturday, January 9, 2010


SEGALA puji bagi Allah Tuhan sekelian alam. Selawat dan salam disampaikan kepada junjungan alam Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. , keluarga serta sahabat-sahabat baginda.

Farah's here to post her AZAM baru. heh.

oh before that...updates?

  • Got a new job. veeerrrryyyy unexpected one. i'm currently teaching K2 and K3A at masjid Darul Ghufran. just now was my first day of work. i was quite clueless. lesson plans were given ON THE SPOT. so i had no time to go thru it. for the K3A i had to teach Surah Al-Ikhlas and its meaning. well some still havent memorized the surah so i had them read over and over and over again =)
    as for the K2...i think they're a bit more well-behaved. i had to teach them a-i-u...haha. so we sang a-ba-ta song up to kho. but we also sang u-bu-tu up to khu. then i-bi-ti up to khi. hehe =)
    the children all so the very the adooooooraaaaaaaable!!!!!
    gotta remember to go thru lesson plan and prepare stuff for the kids =)

    Ya Allah~ permudahkanlah tugasku sebagai pendidik budak2 ni untuk pembacaan Arab mereka~
    Mudah-mudahan apa yang Farah ajar itu memberi manfaat kepada mereka (dan Farah juga) fil mustaqbal~ ^_^

  • Next.......MYSPEX training will be starting anytime soon
  • will be busy with both Ghufran and Mukminin...ish from one end to the other..adult fare lagi...

    Okay so thats quite it for the updates..now for my azam baru..

  • Hafal Al Qur'an
  • Hafal Hadith Arba'in
  • Hafal 185 Pepatah Sabda Nabi S.A.W
  • Hafal Do'a Do'a yang Penting Bagi Pelajar
  • Jadi Muslimah yang Solehah (insyaAllah~)
  • Amalkan semua yang Farah da belajar (baik from school or pesantren or tuition...mana2 lah..you know..haha)
  • Kurangkan pergaulan dengan lelaki...(i know i very the ganas...but...jagalah DIA eh Farah...jaga Diri, Iman and Amal)
  • Dekatkan diri kepada Allah (okay Farah please please please please please)
  • Derma lebih. Spend little. Eat less. =)
  • Cuba elakkan dari berbual merepek bnyk sngt heh.
  • 3 wasiat Rasulullah untuk umatnye...SOLAT DHUHA, SOLAT WITIR (sebelom tido?) and puasa at least 3 times in a month =)
  • ada lagi tak? setahu fa banyak lagi...

    so to be continued....hehe ^_^