# Happy Club's words of wisdom (joking)

Friday, May 28, 2010

went to toh guan at last.

InsyaAllah June ni.. fa nak masok darul huffaz.

da berminggu2 train diri to be consistent.

berminit2 spend time kat dalam mrt pegi balik dari eunos ke jurong ke eunos.


im not complaining.

i love masjid al-mukminin.

its where everything started.

by 'everything' i mean my change.


but another thing also started.

and...feelings that i never thought i have, appeared.

good feelings. mix feelings. all lah.

towards Allah~

towards Rasul~

towards kamu~


besok~ parents and teacher meeting~!!!!!!!!!

kay dah bye.

nak minum air pastu mandeeee~

salam alaikum =)

p.s.: da silent da. =) feels awkward. feels lonely. but NO, Allah's with me. amin. =)